
馬習會喪權辱國? CNN想誤導誰



Then, the Communist Party took control of the majority of China and Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists fled to Taiwan. The mainland became the People's Republic of China; Taiwan took the name Republic of China and embraced democracy.

→ 分析:Taiwan took the name of ROC 的句型有歧意,報導字面可解釋為「中華民國在台灣」是 1949年國民黨戰敗後才產生的現象,這個說法沒錯,但它也很容易誤導一般人以為「中華民國」是1949年國民黨戰敗到台灣後,為了模仿中共才立的國號,刻意忽略了中華民國1912年以來就是正統中國的事實。

Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists fled to Taiwan


Ma is the former head of the Kuomintang (KMT) party, and has been a key driver in forging closer ties with Beijing since he came to power in a 2008 election.

→ 分析:CNN 報導先稱大陸撤台時的國民黨為 Nationalists,但又用 Kuomintang (KMT) 形容台灣總統民選時馬英九的國民黨。這種不一致的稱呼是低級的疏漏。刻意隱匿扭曲了曾合法執政中國大陸的KMT,以及偏安台灣的ROC主張「正統中國」話語權所依據的歷史元素。

On Saturday, Xi reinforced Beijing&信用貸款房貸利率多少免費諮詢試算#39;s stance that Taiwan is a Chinese province.

In a closed door meeting, he told Ma that the cross-strait relationship is not a relationship between two countries, is not the relationship between China and Taiwan. Territories on both sides of the strait belong to the same country, this is a historical fact, and the legal foundation of this fact cannot and will not change, he said, according to China's Taiwan Affairs Office.

Ma told journalists that Taiwan agreed with China's One China Policy, "but we continue to differ on its definition."

→ 分析:此三段各自誤導之處在於,首先,習近平的講話中僅僅就感性面強調兩岸分隔分治66年的事實於同胞有虧,無一字一語用「省」稱呼台方政府。

再者,馬英九說兩岸關係「不是『兩個中國』的問題」,這與報導宣稱引述大陸國台辦「不是『兩個國家』的問題」(not a relationship between two countries)的說法內涵有差。

第三,馬英九同意的是「九二共識」中的「一個中國」,文中卻不求甚解將此代換為「中共宣稱的一個中國政策」(China's One China Policy)。

Despite the rift, China is Taiwan's biggest trade partner...

→ 分析:根據馬英九的說法,九二共識中「兩岸同屬一個中國」令我方可接受的法理原因,在於中華民國憲法的自我主權表述。但這篇《CNN》報導卻完全不去反映我府方記者會上說法,只片面反映習近平其他場合認「台灣是中國的一部分」之說。





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